Active Membership Categories

Active Membership Categories

There are five classifications of membership in the Active membership category. The details of each may be found in the bylaws . The categories are:

Regular membership: For those who have completed all of the membership requirements

Emeritus membership: Awarded by Council to Members who have made an outstanding contribution

Non-Resident membership:  (i) is for a member who is no longer living or working in Nova Scotia; or, (ii) is a member of a similar association in another province who wishes to use the title in Nova Scotia.

Retired membership: For formerly Active Members who wish to contribute to RPFANS but are no longer considered to be working.

Transferring membership: For those who were members of a similar association in another province, and who have not completed the Jurisprudence exam in Nova Scotia to make application click here.

Those who do not meet the criteria for the above, may be considered as Associate Members.


Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 1031
Truro, N.S., B2N 5G9

Email Contacts:

General Info: